Hey I’m Janvier Ntwali.
A Software Developer

Designer, developer and architect of beautifully simple things with care.

Contact Me

Nice to meet you, a little bit about me...

With over 7 years of experience in web development, I specialize in creating visually appealing and user-friendly web applications that drive business growth. My expertise in SEO ensures that these websites attract a large audience while my skills and experience can help solve any web development challenges you may have. Let's work together to build a software solution that exceeds your expectations.



Amazing designs with a simplistic touch of well thought interactions that provide unforgettable experience

Things I enjoy designing:

UX, UI, Web, Mobile, Apps, Logos

Design Tools

  • Figma
  • Invision
  • AdobeXD
  • Pen & Paper
  • Sketch

Frontend Developer

I enjoy taking your beautiful ideas from a beautiful design to an amazing functional site for your business

Languages I speak:

HTML, CSS, Sass, Vue.js, React, PWA

Dev Tools

  • Astro
  • Git & Github
  • React.js & Vue.js
  • Next.js and Nuxt.js
  • Pinia, Redux, Vuex & MobX

Backend Developer

Advance your business even further with impressive control on your data highly scalable and modification ease

Experiences I have:

Java, Spring Boot, HeadlessCMS, Severless, Docker, TypeScript

Amazing Tools

  • Postgres & MySQL
  • MongoDB & CouchDB
  • Hibernate & Nest.js
  • AWS, Digital Ocean & Heroku

My Recent Work

Here are a few design projects I've worked on recently. Want to see yours? Email janvierntwali@gmail.com

Digital Inclusive Tech Firm - Project Image

Project Name:

Digital Inclusive Tech Firm

Project Decription:

At our Tech Firm we leverage our industrial experience to hire for you a right Software Engineering personnel in the shortest amount of time possible.

More on Github

Contact Me

Interested in my work? Don’t leave without saying hi!